A Poem for GRiZ

This is a poem for GRiZ

About GRiZ.

About Navy Pier.

About an experience.


October 6th, 2019, a day unlike many.

It’s time for GRiZ baby, you better be ready.

Waves coming at me, now it’s time for a ride.

Full of wooks, full of vibes, you can’t even hide.


A plus one surprise, who will answer the call?

MISH SHELL of course, but it’s not a surprise.


A night at the pier, she arrives just in time.

We travel within, to a crowd full of shine.


This is a night, we will not forget.

Not now, not ever.

The Imaginarium fills us.


To Griz and his voice,

Thank you for the good.

For the love, for the sax, for the team, for the night.


It does get better,

as does the music.


This shit really be hittin’…

a different way of different.


Different is good,

even though change might be rough.


But with change, follows growth, and new days and new nights.

Follow the music, it’ll lead you to light.

Within and without, to a new line of sight.


To Griz and his team, you are a marvelous pair.

The show was insane, and I’m glad I can share.


Till the next time we meet…

Till the story continues…


Keep spreading your good, and your magic, and your shine.

Keep yourself going and watch as the sun comes alive.


Thank you again,

and I’ll see you very soon!


With love, with bass, and little bit of Juniper…

