Rising From The Ashes in Flames - An Interview with Sofia Gillani

Like a phoenix rising from the ashes, London-based artist Sofia Gillani asserts her position for future success and longevity in her latest single, “Flames”. Reverberating synths and composed vocals pepper the atmosphere, setting a cool tone that showcases the singer-songwriter’s level-headed determination. This determination is set in the theme of overcoming: overcoming obstacles, doubts, and sacrifices. 

Within “Flames”, Gillani reflects on her journey through the path less taken, determined to achieve purpose and clarity in chaos. Her track expresses how sacrifices often have to be made, so one might as well embrace the blood, sweat, and tears on the road to the grand prize.

This track captures the essence of true growing pains . As Gillani says, we’re where we’re supposed to be, and if we stay true to ourselves, we’ll see it through to the end, coming out a better person than when we began.  I had a chance to catch up with the pop artist and discuss her new release through a Q&A session, read more below.


Q - "Flames" and your last single, "Water Run Dry," seem to exist as a yin and yang to one another. How do these two songs come together to tell the story of the artist Sofia Gillani?

A - After my single 'Water Run Dry', an abstract metaphor on never losing hope and looking for a solution when times felt impossible, 'Flames' delivers an impactful message of rising, breaking free, and becoming the extinguisher of disbelief. It is about eliminating obstacles. This is the journey of the two songs coming together.

Q - What did the songwriting and creative process look like for "Flames" and the accommodating music video?

A - The songwriting process was natural, organic and based on being aspirational - fighting and winning and not giving up. We went for the concept of my house burning down…I refuse to leave as I am finally where I need to be - free, passionate and true. We got smoke machines and actors to play extras. Soloman, my long-time video collaborator, came up with the ideas. It was such a fun time!

Q - "Flames" sonically reminds me of some of Banks' earliest works. Of course, that's my interpretation, so can you give some insight into what music you were listening to that inspired this song? 

A - My identity is stamped all over my sound, as I express myself through my journey of music. Influences range from SIA to Adele… it is still evolving. My songwriting influences come from my surroundings, experiences, and the world. I love to lose myself in a book which then provides inspiration and energy for the next idea.

Q - What does "Flames" mean to you on a personal level, and what do you hope for listeners to get from the song?

A - Flames is about growth, passion, being true to yourself, and I’m sure it will mean different things to many people. I hope it will be appreciated by listeners and they enjoy it as much as I loved creating it. I’m sure they’ll be able to see and hear the clear progress from “Water Run Dry” to the burning sensation of “Flames”. I want fans to feel elated, energised and conscious when listening to the track and to my musical overall.

Q - Take us through the earlier years of Sofia Gillani. Were you involved in any local music scenes? What inspired you to begin your journey in music?
A - I started singing around 10 years old. I got inspired by listening to my dad play guitar and discovering particular songs in the car. Once I performed my first song at school, I was completely motivated to pursue my music creativity to see where it could go. My sound is raw, passionate, and powerful as I have a strong voice and it’s still evolving. I’m excited to see where it takes me.

Q - Despite being in the early stages of your career, you've already achieved some great feats, such as performing for Luton Pride and being featured on BBC Introducing. What goals and aspirations are next on the horizon?

A - The sky is the limit. Anything is possible if you set your mind to it. My dreams are so big. But I really appreciate the small victories. Lots more to come, stay tuned

Q - Is there anything you want to say to someone who is just discovering your music?

A - I hope you can join me on this musical journey. I believe music is one of the most impactful art forms and a great way to express yourself. https://linktr.ee/sofiagillani

 “Flames” is out now on all streaming platforms! Stay in the loop and follow Sofia Gillani on all socials/streaming platforms below: