The Glimmer of Nostalgia: A Lesson Learned In “bandaids”

You know the saying, “The best things in life are simple”? Well, Houston artist keshi certainly embraces this in his latest EP, “bandaids,” a five-track manifestation of lyrical and sonic simplicity at its finest. With summer in the near future, and spring…well…here, this release could not have come at a better time, especially when all of us (for the most part) are stuck inside during a nationwide quarantine. And while we can’t fully enjoy the fruits of the season, this EP gives the listener a taste of what used to be—and what will eventually come. 

Existing more like a diary than a record, “bandaids” exposes the inner turmoil interwoven through revelations of loneliness and longings of the past. Opener, “less of you,” starts off with a wistful, acoustic guitar and sweet aching vocals only slightly giving way to a clean, complementary beat. Other songs like “alright” or “right here” reflect on the singer’s past work of lo-fi beats and patterns, this time with more maturity and progression. And personal favorites, “blue” and “bandaids,” encapsulate overwhelming scents of someone else’s nostalgia, a nostalgia that surfaces in his time of loneliness—our current loneliness. 

But I think the biggest takeaway from “bandaids” is the underlying sentiment to slow down. Slow down from the day to day tasks and “to-dos.” Slow down from the expectations and pressures of life. Slow down from the constant static in your mind. Slow down, take a look around, and cherish those small, simple moments. The moments where you enjoy warm, tranquil summer nights with your favorite music and favorite people beside you. Moments where you experience an unexpected fit of laughter. Moments where the simplest expressions made your day. Enjoy the simplicity of life and take a little more time to capture that glimmer, soon-to-be, nostalgia. Because if recent events haven’t taught you anything else, it sure has taught you that everything is fleeting.

Listen to bandaids here.