The Midnight at the Metro

It’s usually within the first 10 seconds that I can tell if a song is going to fulfill what I’m searching for. The Midnight tends to do that for me, and after last Sunday, that feeling is met with a relief of memory, and emotion that simply can only be described by their songs.

Last Sunday, one of my best friends, and sister Monique Boudreaux (@bx.films) was in town from Los Angeles. We used to be the best (and wildest) of roommates, but for now she’s Innerblooming in California and so this weekend was very special to me as it’s the first time I’ve seen her since moving away. When I was granted press for The Midnight’s show at the Metro, I was shaken in disbelief the moment she said, “I don’t know who that is, but I’m coming with. I’m buying my ticket right now.” It’s friends like this that make life as adventurous as can be.

The show was exceptional. The crowd was diverse. The vibes we’re flowing as beats, guitar solos, and the saxophone ripped away at the night. Monique and I found ourselves shaken by many songs we had never heard before. When my personal favorite “Los Angeles” came on I was mesmerized and reminded of the true power of music, to calm, and to drive. My best friend Jenna used this song in a video of us last year from our summer trip to Los Angeles. We first heard the song dancing in the sunshine at North Coast Festival in 2018 with two of our beautiful friends, Ashley and Alisa, the dynamic duo with even more dynamic souls. This song shares those qualities too, and for that reason it has held a special place in my heart.

Sharing appreciation with “Los Angeles”, is the song of “Sunset” released on the band’s second studio album “Endless Summer” in 2016. This classic holds a great weight and ending the night hearing closure to everyone’s screams for it throughout the show make the performance feel like a full rounded experience.

Most of the overall concert experience was largely contributed by the multi array of individual talent across the stage. Tim McEwan’s epic expression of his improvisational DJ and drum skills showed the LA producer really knows how to craft up some magic. Lead singer Tyler Lyle’s songwriting skills really showed throughout the show, and his words about seeing the progress of your dreams come true, resonated with me. Guitarist, bassist, and singer, Lelia Broussard, also blew it out of the water with her solos and rockin’ grooves. Jesse Molloy who plays saxophone for the band, had my ears in heaven. The act truly wouldn’t be the same without him entering the crowd and pulling each song into his breath and out to the world.

The Midnight is a band that makes you think of your best friends and not only the brightest days, but getting through the worst. I highly recommend checking them out and getting up to dance a bit to their emotional 80s styled electronic pop. It won’t disappoint, you wont like every song, but one will make you feel. And that’s what music is all about. The feelings.