Sipper Delivers Another Indie-Pop Gem with “Metric”

An old friend and collaborator once told me that he believed the secret to a good pop song is to make it like candy: “a short, sweet taste that leaves the listener wanting more”. Clocking in at 2:16, “Metric” is an infectiously catchy, endearing song that passes this test with flying colors; I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve listened to it since its release.

Sipper, the Brooklyn-based group helmed by Joe Beerman, seems to have a knack for writing richly nuanced, dazed-out love songs. Their previous release, “Adam Driver”, was a similarly addicting ode to its namesake (which consequently became quite popular with the Adam Driver stans of Twitter, but that’s another story). With “Metric”, Sipper serves up another masterful batch of riffs accented by Beerman’s intimate vocal style delivering heartfelt lines like “I think I love you/Some days I walk around, I feel pretty, somehow”. What’s most striking about the track is how much Beerman seems able to pack into one short song without it ever feeling overcrowded or busy; in fact, the whole thing manages to still feel quite light and airy – almost dreamlike. There’s the percussive break in 6, the complex guitar layering, the bubbly vocal harmonies, but they each have plenty of room to breathe and are blended together perfectly. It’s the kind of song that begs to be listened to on repeat, with new elements to be discovered and old ones to be further appreciated.

Metric - Sipper Listen:

Written & Performed by Joe Beerman

Directed by Jordan Tetewsky

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